Download vanilla wow addon lazyscript
Download vanilla wow addon lazyscript

download vanilla wow addon lazyscript

download vanilla wow addon lazyscript download vanilla wow addon lazyscript

You need to replace "BUFF_TEXTURE" with the TEXTURE of a particular buff and NOT it's name. Smart Buff Swap Macro Template:(Uses BUFF_1 if the main buff is active, or else uses SPELL_2)Ĭode: Select all /run local i,x=1,0 while UnitBuff("player",i) do if UnitBuff("player",i)="Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Texture_Name" then x=1 end i=i+1 end if x=0 then CastSpellByName("BUFF") else CastSpellByName("SPELL") end Replace Auto Shot or Shoot with whatever your classes ranged auto attack is and replace (1) in IsAutoRepeatAction(1) with whatever button your melee and then ranged auto attack skill is on.(25), (37), etc.Ĭode: Select all /run if CheckInteractDistance("target", 3) and (not PlayerFrame.inCombat) then AttackTarget() elseif not IsAutoRepeatAction(1) then CastSpellByName("Auto Shot OR Shoot") end ALSO it won't toggle off your ranged auto attack if you spam it. This will use your bow or wand auto attack if your target is at range OR ELSE it will use a melee auto attack if the target comes too close. Spammable Auto Attack Macro w/ Melee and Ranged swapping: Target yourself while you have the buff.Ĭode: Select all /script function m(s) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(s) end for i=1,16 do s=UnitBuff("target", i) if(s) then m("B ".i.": ".s) end s=UnitDebuff("target", i) if(s) then m("D ".i.": ".s) end end To find "BUFF_TEXTURE" in certain macros use this macro. In time I will add and organize them as much as I can.

Download vanilla wow addon lazyscript free#

Feel free to reply with some of your own. Just figured I'd start a random collection of useful macros.

Download vanilla wow addon lazyscript